just like all the others

7:20 PM

sabbath has a history of being the time to catch up on life.
>listening to/finding music that i've been meaning to scope out
>naps, and more naps
>reading blogs i've neglected. and by blogs, i mean http://www.lovestopicnic.blogspot.com/
>trying to finish "captivating", after 3 years.
>finding nemo, again
>nail painting (probably the same exact color, just a fresh coat)
>facials/hair dying...not as often as you'd think

basically, i think i've forgotten what sabbath is actually about. my "duties" aren't finished when i leave church. there isn't a quota of "happy sabbaths" i need to say (pretty sure i met them though.) and when it comes down to it, we could all use a little more jesus.

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  1. Sabbath is the best day of the week. It's not even close. Thanks for the shout out. You know I appreciate that crap. Just for that your blog gets a shout out.

