4:47 PM
This is my blog and i do what i want.
Even if that means making angry posts and being a little emo,
or finding cry-worthy humor in things that no one understands,
or obsessing about my weight
my future
and my heart.
This is me, down.
Because I know that the hardest thing and right thing
are the same.
Because i deserve better than what i chose to
put myself through.
Because happy is a choice
and a lot of days i'd rather not.
I don't know if this is allowed:
but I love Jesus
and I want to flip off the world.
Love and kindness has met
not giving a flip about anyone or anything
and neither side is one to lose.
Something has to give.
I'm assuming the one-month deadline to
take advantage of life before it gets real has
gotten to my
Like i said,
graduation has made us all a little crazy.
But if what i leave behind
doesn't ruin the future a little bit,
I guess leaving won't be the hardest part.
I hope it's hard.
I hope I'm missed.
I hope my absence hurts.
Because everyone deserves to be
the missing piece
the one that got away
the reason to regret what wasn't said and done.
I'm sorry for being selfish
but actually,
I'm not.
everyone gets their moment.
and this is the month that
I take full advantage of that excuse.