1:25 AM
I am still a waitress.
I am still proud to be one.
Come Monday,
(not a moment too soon)
I become an actual adult,
with an early to rise job
and a late to arrive paycheck.
I am celebrating. Again. And again.
I continue to assume
reciprocal stalking
to the way I keep up.
Despite my skill of running away,
I am still in Chattanooga.
I am still single.
I am still single in Chattanooga.
Yes, I have lost weight.
No, I didn't go on some crazy diet
or much less,
get any kind of surgery.
I didn't just dye my hair red,
unless yesterday was New Year's eve.
I want to be vegan
(as soon as Greek yogurt releases its hold one me).
I practice effective comebacks.
I squander appropriate situations.
I am still (half-heartedly) scrubbing off
last weekend's color fun,
and looking for another excuse
to run
(before I notice I no longer have one).
I live in a chalet.
I consult Pinterest.
I am so Zombie-ready it's sad.
I don't want children.
I want nieces/nephews/Youngs.
I am strong in the arms,
but weak in the knees
to silly things like candy words and promises.
I am getting old. Fast.
I am reckless with who I let into my life
and even more so with who I let stay.
I am not afraid of anything
except maybe that I've wasted all my good stuff,
trust, patience, hugs,
on the undeserving,
with very little reserve for the
I have yet to pass a test
on the back-breaking lessons I've "learned"
and with each passing day
that when it most counts
I am reduced to