10:25 AM
- I never EVER know what to wear to Crossfit
- and then I realize i'm still one of those girls that cares about what their sweat looks like
- oh yeah, it's sweat. meant to be gross.
- no one even understands what it's like to do high-knees with big boobs.
- also, FU BURPEES
- Just looked through the wedding album twice. because maybe the first time i missed that one flattering picture of me i can make a profile pic.
- nope. doesn't exist. not a one.
- i miss Luch. like so much. wow.
- i'm gonna be 25 in 3 months. can you say party time?
- this is where i make a new resolution to be at my best health by 25.
- how did we circle back to Crossfit already?
- praying for snow in Chattanooga is like hoping you catch your roommate's flu.
- i think it's weird when girls call their dad their valentine but mine got me legit flowers. so.
- basically F U VALENTINES DAY.
- (i really should've just gotten to the point much more....quickly)